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encyclopedia of Rare Disease Annotation for Precision Medicine

   matthew-wood syndrome

Disease ID 1410
Disease matthew-wood syndrome
A rare clinical entity including as main characteristics anophthalmia or severe microphthalmia, and pulmonary hypoplasia or aplasia. Only five cases have been reported so far, two of who were siblings. In the three nonfamilial cases, unilateral pulmonary agenesis and microphthalmia were associated with diaphragmatic hernia and pulmonary vessel agenesis. It has been suggested that two different entities can be distinguished: on one hand, the association of anophthalmia-pulmonary hypoplasia with/without anomalies of the face, heart, spleen and uterus, which may be due to a putative autosomal recessive gene with pleiotropic effects; on the other hand, a sporadic association including pulmonary hypoplasia, anophthalmia, unilateral diaphragmatic defect and agenesis of the pulmonary trunk, which may represent the expression of a developmental field defect. There is evidence that syndromic microphthalmia- is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the STRA6 gene on chromosome 15q24.
anophthalmia and pulmonary hypoplasia
anophthalmia with pulmonary hypoplasia
anophthalmia with pulmonary hypoplasia syndrome
anophthalmia, clinical, with mild facial dysmorphism and variable malformations of the lung, heart, and diaphragm
anophthalmia-microphthalmia and pulmonary hypoplasia
anophthalmia/microphthalmia and pulmonary hypoplasia
matthew wood syndrome
matthew wood syndrome (disorder)
microphthalmia, syndromic 9
pulmonary agenesis, microphthalmia, and diaphragmatic defect
spear syndrome
syndromic microphthalmia type 9
Curated Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Resource(Total Genes:2)
5915  |  RARB  |  ORPHANET
Inferring Gene(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Gene
Entrez_id | Symbol | Score | Resource(Total Genes:12)
220  |  ALDH1A3  |  3.152  |  DISEASES
54880  |  BCOR  |  2.895  |  DISEASES
2263  |  FGFR2  |  2.686  |  DISEASES
3052  |  HCCS  |  2.117  |  DISEASES
114548  |  NLRP3  |  2.592  |  DISEASES
5015  |  OTX2  |  2.914  |  DISEASES
5080  |  PAX6  |  1.881  |  DISEASES
5950  |  RBP4  |  3.597  |  DISEASES
4990  |  SIX6  |  3.161  |  DISEASES
64093  |  SMOC1  |  4.197  |  DISEASES
6657  |  SOX2  |  1.649  |  DISEASES
64220  |  STRA6  |  6.943  |  DISEASES
Symbol | Locus(Total Locus:2)
STRA6  |  15q24.1
RARB  |  3p24.2
Disease ID 1410
Disease matthew-wood syndrome
Integrated Phenotype
HPO | Name(Total Integrated Phenotypes:37)
HP:0000028  |  Cryptorchidism
HP:0002089  |  Hypoplastic lungs
HP:0000581  |  Blepharophimosis
HP:0002627  |  Right aortic arch with mirror image branching
HP:0000347  |  Hypoplasia of mandible
HP:0004935  |  Pulmonary atresia
HP:0005944  |  Bilateral pulmonary agenesis
HP:0000089  |  Small kidneys
HP:0005156  |  Small left heart atrium
HP:0001629  |  Ventricular septal defects
HP:0004322  |  Stature below 3rd percentile
HP:0007633  |  Abnormally small eyeball on both sides
HP:0000369  |  Low-set ears
HP:0001680  |  Coarctation of aorta
HP:0000126  |  Hydronephrosis
HP:0000013  |  Underdeveloped uterus
HP:0001636  |  Tetrology of fallot
HP:0000776  |  Diaphragmatic hernia
HP:0000125  |  Pelvic kidney
HP:0001642  |  Pulmonic stenosis
HP:0001252  |  Hypotonia
HP:0006270  |  Hypoplastic spleen
HP:0000528  |  Absence of eyeballs
HP:0001643  |  Persistent ductus arteriosus
HP:0001750  |  Single ventricle
HP:0000813  |  Bicornuate uterus
HP:0001660  |  Common arterial trunk
HP:0000431  |  Broad nasal root
HP:0005311  |  Agenesis of pulmonary vessels
HP:0004712  |  Abnormal rotation of the kidneys
HP:0000023  |  Inguinal hernia
HP:0001511  |  Prenatal onset growth retardation
HP:0000085  |  Horseshoe kidney
HP:0002187  |  Intellectual disability, profound
HP:0009110  |  Diaphragmatic eventration
HP:0001631  |  Atria septal defect
HP:0002093  |  progressive respiratory failure
Text Mined Phenotype(Waiting for update.)
Disease ID 1410
Disease matthew-wood syndrome
Manually Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Text Mined Symptom(Waiting for update.)
Manually Genotype(Total Text Mining Genotypes:0)
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Text Mining Genotype(Total Genotypes:0)
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All Snps(Total Genotypes:16)
snpId pubmedId geneId geneSymbol diseaseId sourceId sentence score Year geneSymbol_dbSNP CHROMOSOME POS REF ALT
rs1182039621727397764220STRA6umls:C1832661UNIPROTMutations in STRA6 cause a broad spectrum of malformations including anophthalmia, congenital heart defects, diaphragmatic hernia, alveolar capillary dysplasia, lung hypoplasia, and mental retardation.0.4813572092007STRA61574189244TG
rs1513414242190179264220STRA6umls:C1832661BeFreeThe STRA6 p.G304K mutation was subsequently detected in additional MCOPCB patients, including one individual with Matthew-Wood syndrome (MWS; MCOPS9).0.4813572092011NANANANANA
GWASdb Annotation(Total Genotypes:0)
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GWASdb Snp Trait(Total Genotypes:0)
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Mapped by lexical matching(Total Items:23)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0000431Wide nasal bridgeMP:0006292abnormal nasal placode morphologyany structural anomaly in the paired ectodermal placodes that come to lie in the bottom of the olfactory pits as the pits are deepened by the growth of the surrounding medial and lateral nasal processes; the nasal placode gives rise to the olfactory epith
HP:0001643Patent ductus arteriosusMP:0011662persistent truncus arteriosus type iicomplete failure of the common arterial trunk opening out of both ventricles to divide into the aorta and pulmonary artery during development; type II is characterized by separate but proximate origins of the left and right pulmonary arterial branches fro
HP:0000085Horseshoe kidneyMP:0011441decreased kidney cell proliferationdecrease in the expansion rate of any kidney cell population by cell division
HP:0000776Congenital diaphragmatic herniaMP:0010146umbilical herniaan outward bulging (protrusion) of the abdominal lining or part of the abdominal organ(s) through the area around the umbilicus; occurs when the muscle through which blood vessels pass to feed the developing fetus fails to completely close
HP:0000013Hypoplasia of the uterusMP:0013283failure of ventral body wall closurefailure of the lateral body wall folds (a combination of mesoderm and ectoderm arising on each side of the embryo) to progress ventrally and meet in the midline and/or fuse to close the ventral body wall; normally, this closure is aided by growth of the h
HP:0005156Hypoplastic left atriumMP:0003923abnormal heart left atrium morphologyany structural anomaly of the left upper chamber of the heart
HP:0005311Agenesis of pulmonary vesselsMP:0012528abnormal zone of polarizing activity morphologyany structural anomaly of the subset of cells found in the posterior mesenchyme region of the vertebrate limb bud; Sonic hedgehog (Shh) produced by ZPA represents the key mediator of the polarizing activity that regulates patterning of the limb along the
HP:0000023Inguinal herniaMP:0010146umbilical herniaan outward bulging (protrusion) of the abdominal lining or part of the abdominal organ(s) through the area around the umbilicus; occurs when the muscle through which blood vessels pass to feed the developing fetus fails to completely close
HP:0001636Tetralogy of FallotMP:0011665d-loop transposition of the great arteriescomplete transposition of the great arteries; the d- refers to the dextroposition of the bulboventricular loop (ie, the position of the right ventricle, which is on the right side); in addition, the aorta also tends to be on the right and anterior, and th
HP:0001660Truncus arteriosusMP:0011662persistent truncus arteriosus type iicomplete failure of the common arterial trunk opening out of both ventricles to divide into the aorta and pulmonary artery during development; type II is characterized by separate but proximate origins of the left and right pulmonary arterial branches fro
HP:0001642Pulmonic stenosisMP:0010449heart right ventricle outflow tract stenosisabnormal constriction or narrowing of part of the anteriosuperior, smooth-walled portion of the cavity of the right ventricle, beginning at the supraventricular crest and terminating in the pulmonary trunk
HP:0001252Muscular hypotoniaMP:0004144hypotoniadecreased muscle tension resulting in limpness of the muscles in the resting state, not to be confused with weakness
HP:0001680Coarctation of aortaMP:0011665d-loop transposition of the great arteriescomplete transposition of the great arteries; the d- refers to the dextroposition of the bulboventricular loop (ie, the position of the right ventricle, which is on the right side); in addition, the aorta also tends to be on the right and anterior, and th
HP:0004935Pulmonary artery atresiaMP:0012537abnormal hyaloid artery morphologyany structural anomaly of the artery which arises from the dorsal ophthalmic artery and enters the eye cup through the optic (choroid) fissure; the hyaloid artery is contained within the optic stalk of the eye, extends from the optic disc through the vitr
HP:0001631Atria septal defectMP:0011667double outlet right ventricle with atrioventricular septal defecta form of DORV in which there is also a complete atrioventricular canal
HP:0000089Renal hypoplasiaMP:0012085midface hypoplasiaunderdevelopment of the midfacial region comprising the nasal, maxillary, and zygomatic bones, leading to a concave-looking face
HP:0000813Bicornuate uterusMP:0003558absent uterusabsence of the female muscular organ of gestation
HP:0002627Right aortic arch with mirror image branchingMP:0012493absent pharyngeal arch arteriesabsence of the vessels formed within the six (five in mammals) pairs of branchial arches in embryogenesis; in the adult, some of these vessels give rise to the great vessels
HP:0001511Intrauterine growth retardationMP:0011109lethality throughout fetal growth and development, incomplete penetrancethe appearance of lower than Mendelian ratios of organisms of a given genotype due to death of some, but not all of the organisms between the completion of organogenesis and birth (Mus: E14 to approximately E18.5)
HP:0005944Bilateral lung agenesisMP:0010995abnormal lung alveolus developmentanomaly in the formation of the sacs for holding air in the lungs, which are formed by the terminal dilation of air passageways
HP:0001629Ventricular septal defectMP:0011667double outlet right ventricle with atrioventricular septal defecta form of DORV in which there is also a complete atrioventricular canal
HP:0000125Pelvic kidneyMP:0002135abnormal kidney morphologyany structural anomaly of either of the two excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine
HP:0002089Pulmonary hypoplasiaMP:0013193sebaceous gland hypoplasiaunderdevelopment and decreased size of the sebum secreting glands of the hair shaft, usually due to a decrease in the number of cells
Mapped by homologous gene(Total Items:37)
HP ID HP Name MP ID MP Name Annotation
HP:0001252Muscular hypotoniaMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0000528AnophthalmiaMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0000085Horseshoe kidneyMP:0014044absent cardiac outflow tractabsence of or complete failure to form the common arterial trunk that normally forms the aorta and pulmonary artery and the ventricular outflow regions
HP:0001631Atria septal defectMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0002187Intellectual disability, profoundMP:0020039increased bone ossificationincrease in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance
HP:0005156Hypoplastic left atriumMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0001680Coarctation of aortaMP:0020039increased bone ossificationincrease in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance
HP:0004322Short statureMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0001629Ventricular septal defectMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0000347MicrognathiaMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0002093Respiratory insufficiencyMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0000776Congenital diaphragmatic herniaMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0000581BlepharophimosisMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0000126HydronephrosisMP:0020254decreased collagen leveldecreased level of the main structural protein of the various connective tissues in animals
HP:0007633Bilateral microphthalmosMP:0013787photophobia abnormal aversion or avoidance behavior in response to light; photophobia is symptom of abnormal intolerance to visual perception of light; as a medical symptom, photophobia is not a morbid fear or phobia, but an experience of discomfort or pain to the e
HP:0000028CryptorchidismMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0000013Hypoplasia of the uterusMP:0014198absent pituitary infundibular stalkabsence of the apical portion of the tubular structure extending from the hypothalamus to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
HP:0006270Hypoplastic spleenMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0004712Renal malrotationMP:0014155absent olfactory epitheliumabsence of the epithelial cells that line the interior of the nose
HP:0001511Intrauterine growth retardationMP:0020329decreased capillary densityreduction in the number of capillaries in a given cross-sectional area of a tissue
HP:0000813Bicornuate uterusMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0002627Right aortic arch with mirror image branchingMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0001643Patent ductus arteriosusMP:3000003abnormal Ebner's gland morphologyany structural anomaly of the serous salivary glands which reside adjacent to the moats surrounding the circumvallate and foliate papillae just anterior to the posterior third of the tongue, anterior to the terminal sulcus; these exocrine glands secrete l
HP:0001636Tetralogy of FallotMP:0014117increased pancreatic beta cell apoptosisincrease in the number of pancreatic beta cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0001642Pulmonic stenosisMP:0020040decreased bone ossificationdecrease in the formation of bone or of a bony substance, or the conversion of fibrous tissue or of cartilage into bone or a bony substance
HP:0000125Pelvic kidneyMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0001660Truncus arteriosusMP:0013573abnormal parathyroid gland developmentaberrant formation or incomplete differentiation of either of the two small, paired endocrine glands, usually found embedded in the connective tissue capsule on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland, which secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH), a hormone
HP:0004935Pulmonary artery atresiaMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0001750Single ventricleMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0005944Bilateral lung agenesisMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0005311Agenesis of pulmonary vesselsMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0009110Diaphragmatic eventrationMP:0013545cleft hard palatecleft in the anterior portion of the palate consisting of bone and mucous membranes; the hard palate is formed from bony processes of the maxilla, premaxilla and palatine bones
HP:0000089Renal hypoplasiaMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
HP:0000023Inguinal herniaMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0000369Low-set earsMP:0020321increased vascular endothelial cell apoptosisincrease in the timing or the number of vascular endothelial cells undergoing programmed cell death
HP:0002089Pulmonary hypoplasiaMP:0020214susceptible to malignant hyperthermiaincreased susceptibility to hyperthermia triggered by exposure to certain drugs used for general anesthesia, specifically the volatile anesthetic agents and the neuromuscular blocking agent, succinylcholine
HP:0000431Wide nasal bridgeMP:0020137decreased bone mineralizationdecrease in the rate at which minerals are deposited into bone
Disease ID 1410
Disease matthew-wood syndrome
Case(Waiting for update.)